Friday, July 11, 2008

Golfing with Friends

It has become tradition to go golfing when school gets out with some of my work friends. I wanted to get get some practicing in before embarrassing myself so I went out with some other friends the day before. I am not very good at golf but I enjoy it.

We picked a cold day to golf. I went with my friends Jonathan, Joe, and Audra and we had a lot of laughs. Several people were almost hit with a ball.

The next day I was able to drag my sister Carol to play with us. She has never golfed before but she had a really good time. This is proof that she went.

Jeff had a good day on the course.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Camping with Katie Rose and Bo

Bo's friends were planning on going on a rafting trip at the beginning of June. I decided to go. I paid part of the money and waited for school to get out. About a week before we were suppose to leave I got an email from Bo saying the river was high and that they didn't want to take such a big group so they wanted people who were experienced and good swimmers. My sister had read that some people died on that part of the river because the water level was so high. Katie Rose emailed us and summed it up the best by saying "How good is good for swimming?" So we decided to go camping instead since Bo and Katie Rose got the time off. We went to Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon in Utah. What a great way to start the summer! Going camping with friends I have known since high school.

We went on this great hike in Zions National Park. It had a pretty big drop off.

We made tin foil dinners both nights. Bo was in charge of the cooking and he was a master with his sticks.

I made eggs for breakfast. We eat pretty good even if we were camping.

Bo and I went to Bryce Canyon for the last night. It is so beautiful

We started having a manpri contest since there were so many Europeans around. For those of you who don't know what a manpri is I took a picture. It is capri pants on a man and they are very popular with European guys. Very rarely do you see them on American guys. Bo ended up winning with a total of 21 sightings and I had 19. Like I said there were a lot of Europeans.

This guy looked at me right when I was taking a picture.

It was a great camping trip and a great way to start off my summer.

Cinco De Mayo

In college I would always have a Cinco de Mayo party. Since I have lived in Denver I have only had one but this year my friend Megan and I decided to play sick that day from work. She is a teacher also in a different district. We were talking about it at church and got 5 more people to hang out that day with us. We started the day at Dozens, my favorite breakfast place, and then went to city park. It was such a nice day. We celebrated by going to a chick flick even though there was one boy with us. After that Audra, Megan, and I cruised Federal where all the Cinco celebration was and had homemade tortillas.

It was a great day and I have decided never to work on Cinco de Mayo again.