Monday, November 06, 2006

2-Guatemala: Tikal

We went to see the Mayan ruins in Tikal, Guatemala. They told us that Tikal is the largest Mayan ruin site in the world. Who knows if that is actually true but it was amazing. Here is a picture of Bo and me on one pyramid looking back to another.

Here I am on top of a flat pyramid.

Temple # 5 was the steepest. There were 104 steps that you had to climb like a ladder so that you wouldn't fall. It was pretty scary but the view from on top was worth it.

Here we are on top of Temple #5.

There were over 10 big pyramids and tons more that they don't have money to uncover. Basically, every hill has a temple underneath it.

This is the vip-line tour we went on through the jungle. It was a lot of fun and I screamed a lot.

1-Guatemala Trip October 2006

At the beginning of the year my sister’s friends started planning what I call a "High Adventure" trip to Guatemala. I thought it would be fun so I decided to go. There were 20 in all that went in our group and I only knew 5 of them before the trip. My sisters Carol and Connie came, my friend Bo from Grand Junction and two friends from Denver, Jill and Pauline. We left on Friday 10/20 and returned on Sunday 10/29. I didn't have to miss any school since we get a week for fall break. It was an amazing trip and I couldn't believe that I was really in Guatemala and doing the things that we were doing. Our main activities were sightseeing in Guatemala City, exploring Mayan ruins in Tikal, hiking a volcano, mountain biking around Lake Atitlan, and kayaking through the dense mangroves and spacious wetland lakes to the Pacific Ocean to stay the night on an island.

We had enough time to go to the temple in Guatemala City and do a session. It was Saturday so it was very busy.